A Real Life Grizzly Adams – The Story Of Casey and Brutus

WARNING – Watching this video may change your views on bears forever.


Interesting Facts About Grizzly Bears

  • Size: Males weigh between 200-700 pounds, and females weigh between 200-400 pounds
  • Agility: Grizzly bears can be extremely fast, and have been known to run up to 45 mph
  • Lifespan: The typical lifespan for bears is about 15-30 years, although bears as old as 40 have been reported
  • Lifetime Home Range: Male Grizzlie Bears – 800-2,000 square miles, Female Grizzlie Bears – 300-550 square miles
  • A Grizzly Bear’s Diet: Typical bear food sources include rodents, insects, elk calves, roots, pine nuts, grasses, trout, and also large mammals
  • Population: Between 1800 and 1975 the population of grizzly bears in the lower 48 states dropped from 100,000 to less that 1,000 (approximately 250 bears occupied the Yellowstone area at that time). This dramatic decline led to them being included in the Endangered Species Act in 1975. There are approximately 150 grizzly bears that have home ranges at least partially in the park, and 700-850 in the Greater Yellowstone area.

Map Of Where Bears Life In North America

Learn more about Casey Anderson and his special furry friend ‘Brutus’ the grizzly bear here: http://www.grizzlyencounter.org