Category: Camping
The best camping trips aren’t always planned. Sometimes schedules fall into place at the last minute. Or the weekend forecast looks amazing. Or after a long week, everyone just …
What we know as “primitive camping” today was once known by another name: camping. Before RVs, electric hook-ups, flush toilets, and running water, camping was simple and straightforward. (Though …
You don’t need a camper or an RV to have a comfortable camping experience. If you have a truck (or SUV), you’re halfway there. Truck bed camping combines the …
The term “RV” often conjures up images of oversized motor homes, massive trailers, or toyhaulers. These types of RVs have their perks. They’re comfortable and spacious for long-haul trips. …
Coolers can be great for camping trips. They can also create unnecessary work. Depending on the length of your trip, even the best coolers need to refilled with ice, …
Camping with a large group or family? Check out our complete guide to the 10 best big camping tents that won’t break the bank. Some people camp for the …
Sleeping under the stars is a classic camping experience that every camper should try at least once. If you’re used to a comfortable RV or the security of a …
This portable DIY camping toilet means saying goodbye to digging holes, and/or having to explain poison ivy in strange places. There are many reasons that camping is considered “roughing …
Michigan is for lake-lovers. Not only is it surrounded by three of the five Great Lakes, it has thousands of beautiful inland lakes too—plus acres of forests and miles …
Our top picks of the best pop up camping tents – Pop-up tents are like the instant coffee of camping equipment. Sure, you could buy a more expensive and …
Wisconsin is a place that tends to make headlines for its dairy products or its football team. But in the warmer seasons, this northern state is also a camper’s …
One thing that camping teaches you is to be prepared for all kinds of weather. Sometimes it’s easy to reschedule a trip if the forecast looks unappealing. But many …
Cool camping gear for 2021! The beginning of the summer camping season is a good time to review your camping checklist and take stock of your outdoor gear. If …